CCCADI’s 2023 Travel Opportunity in Collaboration with The God Box Foundation

We have partnered with The God Box Foundation to present the CCCADI community with an opportunity to go on a spiritual pilgrimage to Ghana and experience the most celebrated Pan-African festival in the world, PANAfest, in July 2023. 

The creation of this pilgrimage was born from the clear need to bridge the gap between the African Diaspora, particularly from within Latin American communities, to the Pan-African ideology that the only way to overcome white supremacy is by rejoining the umbilical that was cut between Africans and the global African Diaspora. 

Spiritual Pilgrimage to Ghana will take place between
July 23-August 5, 2023

13-Day Tour (Early-Bird Pricing)

With Flight Tickets- $5,390 Per Person
Without Flight Tickets- $3,320

  • $500 Non-refundable deposit must be made by April 30, 2023 to secure the early-bird price.

  • Customized payment plans available.


  • 5 Day PANAFEST/ Emancipation Day Festival

  • Canoe Ride Return Journey

  • Traditional Naming Ceremony

  • Visits to Famous Tourists Sites throughout Ghana

  • Visits to Religious and Spiritual Tourist Sites throughout Ghana

  • Cultural, Traditional and Spiritual Workshops

  • The God Box Going Away Party

  • The God Box Welcoming Ceremony at Airport

  • The God Box Ancestral Evening Ceremony at Cape Coast Castle

  • And much more!

Early-bird pricing is available for participants who make their initial minimum deposit of $500 by April 30, 2023. This deposit is non-refundable. Click the button above to review all travel package options, detailed itinerary and to register.


January 19, 2023 @ 6 p.m. (EST) - Extended deadline to register for the virtual workshop series for an opportunity to receive a 10% discount off of your total travel cost. Workshop 1 recording must be viewed and the assignment must be completed by this date.

April 30, 2023 - Deadline to secure early-bird pricing.

June 10, 2023 - Discount of 10% applied to total travel package cost (including early-bird & full prices) for those who participated in all four workshops live during the time of each program. 

July 8, 2023 - Balance of all tour packages must be paid in full 15 days prior to departure.

Our partners at the God Box Foundation are available to talk through customized payment options to find a plan that works for you.

Ghana called on the global African Diaspora to make 2019 the Year of the Return, and over 2 million Diasporans answered the call visiting the country in record-breaking numbers.

Yet, with few exceptions, the AfroLatinx community did not join their fellow Diasporic brothers and sisters on this Sankofa journey to exercise their right to return and reclaim Africa. 

Through this pilgrimage and its accompanying Sacred Traditions pre-travel workshop series, CCCADI and The God Box Foundation aim to ensure that both AfroLatinxs and Africans are able to strengthen their bond, step into one another’s experiences, understand cultural differences, and celebrate the similarities that unite the entire Pan-African family.