Can I bring children on this pilgrimage? Will their tour package be priced differently? 

Yes! Children are welcome on this pilgrimage experience and we highly encourage that you bring your family along. Prices are adjusted for children and youth, and lower rates are available for children under the age of 12. Please contact info@godboxtours.com and we will work with you to adjust the price accordingly.

Is a discount available if I want to travel with a friend/partner/family member?

Yes! The adjustment for traveling with a second person isn't as simple as doubling the tour package amount that you see listed. We will adjust the prices if you plan to travel as a duo. Just write to our team at info@godboxtours.com and we will work with you to set up plans for you and a second travel companion. 

What is the length of this pilgrimage tour?

You talked, we listened! After receiving feedback from interested participants such as yourself, we've modified this pilgrimage experience to a 13 day tour. This tour option will include PANA Fest activities as well as visits to sacred sites in Ghana. Because this change is happening after we started this program please know that we are able to accommodate your preferences for either 10 days or 16 days. Just write to us at info@godboxtours.com and we can get you enrolled in the tour length of your choice.

Can I create my own payment plan? 

Yes, and we are happy to help you do so! Payment plans can be designed to fit your personal needs and preferences. Please contact us at info@godboxtours and one of our team members will work with you to design a plan that makes sense for you. There are two important dates to keep in mind for customizing your payment plan: 1) April 30, 2023 - 50% of travel package is due by this date in order to secure early bird pricing. If 50% of the total travel package is not made by this date you are still able to make payments and attend the tour. 2) July 8, 2023 - The total balance of the tour package is due. 

Do I have to pay my entire package upfront? 

No, you can pay for your package in a way that makes sense to you. The only exception is that 50% of the travel package amount is due by April 30, 2023. This amount is non-refundable. If you’d prefer to pay for all of it in April, you are welcome to. We only require that full amount be submitted by July 8, 2023. If you’d like to make a payment plan, please contact our team at info@godboxtours.com.

What is the deadline to decide and pay in full?

The total amount of the tour package is due by July 8, 2023. If you are unsure about attending this tour, we highly recommend you visit our Instagram page (@godboxtours) to see more about the tour and its impact on participants. You won't regret making this investment in your personal journey!

What if I started my payment plan and later decide not to go?

Life can be full of surprises and we completely understand that plans change. In the event that you have made payments on a tour package and are unable to attend in July, we will only retain the initial $500 non-refundable deposit. All other funds will be credited back to your account. Please contact info@godboxtours.com in order to follow up with processing. We will look forward to hosting you in Ghana on the next tour date!

Will I have my own hotel room or can I share the room with another participant?

Every participant will have their own room unless they request to share with another participant. Please contact info@godboxtours.com for any special room accommodations.

For questions or information about the pre-travel workshop series, Sacred Traditions x God Box Talks: AfroLatinxs & Africans: A Spiritual Reconnection, please visit spiritualpilgrimage.tours